Friday, August 31, 2012

Micah's second day of school and other random events.

I've become quite the blogger this week! I'm not sure how because this week has been cah.ray.zee!
At any rate, Micah survived day #2 of "school." I'm trying to figure out what we will do with all of his creations from school. I just know we can't keep it all. I hate papers. Maybe I can just photograph all of it to document it on the blog? And bore you with it? Haha!

My teacher self is just love, love, loving having him in school. You don't even know. I love knowing he has a schedule now. It gives me some crazy joy to look up at the clock in my room and know that Micah is eating lunch or going to music or napping. Yes, I am weird like that.

 I tried out an exercise class after school today. Yes, at school! I'm thinking this is my new fitness plan. One of our parents teaches Zumba, and she said she'd teach it after school two days a week. 

This is a wonderful plan for me with plenty of accountability. Except, I get out of school at 4:30 (by the time duty is over), and that means Zumba isn't over until 5:30. Then I have to drive thirty minutes which puts me home at six. I'm still unsure because this takes away from family time at night.

Did I mention we are starting a running club at our school? Yup! And guess who is a faculty sponsor. That'd be me. I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. More accountability, I guess.

 Anyway, when I got home this evening at first, it wasn't raining so I promised Micah we could go "ow-side" to play before the rain came. This boy loves to play outside on his playground. No sooner than I had said this statement, the heavens opened up. Instead, we spent the evening longingly staring out the window wishing for time outside.

 This is such a random post, but here are a few pictures of his MDO info sheets I wanted to remember. Here is the schedule that he follows while he is at school. I do love knowing his schedule!

 I talked earlier about his "classroom objectives" for the year? They make me smile and laugh when I look at the objectives the state of Tennessee gives me for second graders. I still love they are going to work with him on prayer and manners.
 Today Micah's folder was full of fun goodies today including this September calendar. Micah's going to be learning several Bible concepts this month including: "God Made People", "The Prodigal Son", "Young Samuel Listens", and "Jesus Does the Father's Work".  It will be a month full of the letters C, S, and H and the numbers 1 & 2. He's going to have Silly Sock Day and Hat Day. I love how organized the information is laid out. Again, I'm a teacher nerd. I eat this stuff up! I'm also thankful they follow my school district's calendar. That makes it very, very easy for our family.

Micah remained hopeful the rain would stop, and he just hung out with his "friends" in the kitchen reading them Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle. He's lately just started loving this book. I'm sure that Mr. Bear and Mr. Moose love the book, too. 

Speaking of the moose and the bear, those two must be with Micah at all times. I'm not sure if it is because he's attached to them, or if he really sees them as his "friends" at our house. Either way, they eat with us (in their OWN CHAIRS--oh yes!), read with us, watch tv with us, and he tried to slip them into the bathtub last night. Ha! Micah does keep us laughing!

I'm so glad it is Thursday night! Tomorrow is Friday which means a three-day weekend! Pump it! 

Hope you have a great rest of your week.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

A night of family time.

Sometimes, my days are long. For instance, today my principal graciously let me take an "early leave" to actually come in an hour late so I could drop Micah off for his first day of school

I was so excited to come to work by ten am. I mean, Micah's school is close to our house. So I didn't have to actually leave here until around 8:45 am. However, I had a PTA meeting tonight so I didn't get home until almost 7:30 pm.

The first thing I noticed tonight about Micah's "school" was that his daddy had energy to stay up with us until 8:30. We were able to play in the yard together. Well, Daddy mowed the yard, Micah followed him around (as usual), and I kept Micah from getting hit by the lawn mower.

I think I'm going to like this school thing! Especially if Daddy can't get some sleep where he can spend time with us at night. (And please ignore how Micah is dressed. Yes, he is in swim trunks with a very dirty shirt left over from MDO. Daddies aren't the best at fashion choices.)

I think our family desperately needs this change this year. I think Micah will benefit from socialization, and I think Daddy will benefit from sleep.

I know that somebody is already needing another haircut! 

I'm so thankful for all the little things in our lives like backyards, dogs, family, lawnmowers, great weather, and swing sets.

I love how much this little guy adores his father. It makes my heart swell but also ache at the spiritual responsibility we have to train him in the ways of the Lord.

No matter what, these days are fleeting. I get so sad when I simply think about how fast he is growing up. So instead of getting sad, I try to stop and enjoy the moment.

Even if the moment includes watching him chase after his daddy at the lawn mower.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Micah's first day of "school" (Mother's Day Out).

Today was a very big day at Casa Confident! It was Micah's first day of "school" at our church. He started Mother's Day Out!

Of course, I took photos of it from beginning to end. I mean, every major milestone must be marked on the blog, right? Apparently, he's starting to get annoyed by this.

I can't believe my sweet, sweet boy is so old! 

We ate our Chex and yogurt for breakfast complete with milk.

So I saw this cute idea on Pinterest where you type up a sign for the milestone, and then you have your child hold up the sign. The following pictures are all the many things that can happen with your sign besides your child actually holding it up for a first day photo.

First, you can take the sign, throw it down in the grass, and play in the mulch instead.

Then you can stand at the head of the sign. At least he is almost looking at me, and I can kind of read the words on the sign. (This is probably one of the best pictures, honestly.)

Sometimes, it is much more fun to take the sign, grab some mulch, and use it to transport dirt. All the while you are screaming at Mommy, "Look! Look!" I mean, who wouldn't be proud of your newfound dirt transporter?

Look at how well it holds all your treasures!

Sometimes, dirt holding isn't all it is cracked up to be. In these instances, you decide to use the imagination! Let's turn a big stick into a pen and "draw" on the sign.

ADT signs always make cute backdrops for first day school photos.

Did Micah mention you can also hold rocks with a sign?

I just have to tell you that this photo shoot kind of sums up our lives these days. Micah is just this busy, and sometimes I don't have photos for the blog because he won't be still! All I can say is, he's going to keep his teachers busy this year.

Here is the actual picture of just the sign so I can have a record of all the stats for that day when I'm old and gray and can't remember.

Micah's First Day
Mother's Day Out
Faith Baptist Church
Bartlett, Tennessee
August 28, 2012
(almost 21 months)

Then the photo shoot continued as Micah ran into the street. Don't be alarmed. We live in a cove with little (if any) traffic. I highly recommend cove living.

Then he decided to chase the cat (our neighbors' cat) up our driveway.

So when did I finally get him still for his photo? (Not looking, but he's still.) I'm glad you asked. That would be right when he walked in the door to his class.

Around Ms. Julianna he played shy. Fingers in the mouth. Still as could be. Quiet. Calm.

Oh my goodness! I still can't believe my baby is going to "school" now. I think it will be absolutely great for him, though. I really, really do.

I took this picture on Open House day, but Ms. Tracy was too busy with other kids to bother her this morning. She is the lead teacher for his room.

It was also too busy with too many supplies to drop off this morning for me to get a "first day" photo with him, but I took this picture of us outside his classroom last Thursday.

I'm having trouble uploading some of my phone pictures tonight, so I guess I'll add those later. His teachers said he had a good day and took a forty five minute nap (yikes! short!). He gobbled up all of his lunch which included 1/2 wheat flat-out, deli turkey, American cheese, Greek yogurt, and green beans. He went on a sippy cup strike because I bought him a new insulated cup last night at Target. It has the exact same lid as his "normal" sippy cup, but he wouldn't take it at school today. They worked on transportation, and he "painted" a picture of a bus. My husband said the teachers said he "ran out" of diapers today. He had four packed in his main part of the backpack with three more diapers packed in the pocket of his backpack. I said, "How in the world did he run out of diapers??" Turns out, they didn't find the extra three in the front pocket.

On Sunday, Mr. C & I happened to be working in Micah's room so I pictures of everything I was too embarrassed to take pictures of during Open House including his backpack hook.

 Here's his bulletin board.
There's his name on the bulletin board.

Please note, for whatever kids came to our class! Haha! So I got to take all these pictures uninterrupted. 

Finally, we have Micah's first piece of school art. They just need to learn how to spell his name, but other than that. I'd say he had a great first day!



An evening with the family.

This post is a little old, but better late than never. Last week, we took a walk at a wonderful nearby park. Mr. C and I are trying to get back into our high mileage walks. It makes for great family time, and it is great for our health.

I have to say, Colorado may be full of mountains but Tennessee has some amazing sunsets.

After our walk, we headed to one of those frozen yogurt bar places for a treat.

Micah & I shared some Lucky Charms flavored yogurt! It was amazing, and it tasted just like eating a bowl of LC cereal. 

Daddy went for the red velvet cake with white chocolate chips.

His hair is kind of crazy, but the more life goes on...the more he looks like a little boy!

Gotta love a PicStitch every so often. Yogurt and family time is good for our soul.