So, if you aren't on facebook then you probably don't know that I enrolled in a cake decorating class. Today was the second day of cake decorating class at
Hobby Lobby. I'm a teacher, so you would think I might have some cutsie, creative genes in my body? I guess we'll see. At any rate, it is a Tuesday/Thursday night class, and Mr. C has volunteered to watch Micah so that I can go.
I have to admit, it is kind of nice to get out of the house from some alone adult time. I have greatly enjoyed it. The class is $20 and I thought that was a great deal. I took a few pictures of my work from the week.
Here are my cookie masterpieces--haha!
The "M" being for Micah who now has my heart.
Cue corny musak in the background.
::And everybody says, "AWE!" with a collective sigh.::
Here I am showing off my sad attempts to create something that looks like I'm talented.PS: Note the large balding spot on the left side of my head. I used to have a TON of hair there. Now I've got a Donald Trump receding hair line.

Today was the
big day. Time to bake a cake and decorate it!! I ran all over the city buying supplies. We made a stop at Target first to see what I could pick up there cheaper than Hobby Lobby. Do you have a Super Target where you live? Oh. My. Word. Amazing! I got a lot of my grocery shopping done there which helped keep the cost down a lot. Speaking of cost, if you decide to take a cake decorating class let me warn you of how expensive a hobby it can become. I did not expect all the little things you have to buy that weren't included in the beginner "kit" I purchased. If I can decorate Micah's cakes for his life I figure it is worth the investment. I came home to bake my cake, and I'm so glad I made a "backup" cake, as well. My first cake didn't cool long enough and split in a million pieces. It was so lovely. I made a few rookie mistakes. 1. The first cake fell apart. 2. When making the cake even by using the little gizmo that cuts off the uneven parts...I cut off the wrong part leaving me with an extremely crumby mess. 3. I did not make enough icing. 4. I am not that gifted with making stars. 5. I thought the cake was cool, so I put it on a plate. Meanwhile, it stuck to the plate.
Without futher adieu...
Here's my first (sad attempt) cake to decorate!

At least you can tell it is a cupcake, right?
That cake is sooooo cute! Congrats on your new found hobby. :) Best wishes to many more cute cake endeavors!