Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Just another Tuesday.

This morning (and all day really) it was rainy, misty, and dreary.
I declared it pajama day!

Yup. All of us stayed in our pjs all day except for the fifteen minutes I left the house to buy stamps (Christmas card slacker--still addressing them) and some base.

So for a Tuesday? It was completely awesome. I cleaned, this little fellow played (with a Coke bottle filled with pennies), and I did some laundry.
Our pediatrician told us to try putting pennies inside a Coke bottle.

Well, Micah loved it. He played with this silly contraption a big part of the day.
(Please ignore the socks in the floor. Laundry day, remember?)

Not only was I blessed to play with this cutie all day long, but I got to witness Micah walk across the living room for the first time!

Oh my.
Life is getting crazy in the Confident house.
I put up a barrier of sorts to keep Micah away from the Christmas tree this morning before he woke up. (He slept to 8 am, by the way. Rainy days and blackout curtains = magic!)
This piano bench flanked with sofa pillows is probably not the best barrier one can have from the glass ornaments.
Pretty sure he barreled through that in about five seconds flat.
So I spent my day chasing him around the living room, keeping him out of things, and trying to keep him from tearing the newly decorated tree down.
I must say last night I thought I was crazy decorating the tree this late.
Today? I'm glad I haven't had to run interference between Micah and ornaments for six weeks!
Because don't let this cute exterior fool you.

He's a hot mess getting into EVERYTHING.

And add walking to the mix today? Oh my.

Mama is tired.
In other randomness, I was still addressing and mailing out this year's Christmas card.

We only ordered thirty, so if you don't get one...

Here's your digital copy! =)
Another fun thing we did today? I moved M's pack-n-play into the kitchen so I could get some things done in there. (We live in an old school house pre "open concept" so my kitchen is a separate room from the living room.)
Micah was entertained for at least a half hour by his daddy's belt.

Can somebody tell me why we buy our children toys? Seriously?
(You'll also have to excuse my kitchen mess in the background. Real life, people. Real life. I use breaks to purge, clean, and organize until the next big break.)

I have no idea what kind of face Micah is making in this picture, but I find it hilarious.

It was a great day. And tonight I'm sitting here watching tv and blogging in the light of my beautiful tree. (Which by the way my husband hates. He says it is boring, not enough color, and Memphis State colors. Mr. C also stated it is too "department store" for his taste. Um, thanks, Honey.)
I lurve it. I don't care what he thinks.